"L'éveil au Cercle" - "Awakening to the Circle"

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Support FNUC

The First Nations University of Canada is losing its federal funding as of April 1st.

The University is a vital and important institution for both Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal people of Canada to learn about and gain knowledge and understanding of Indigenous cultures.

Please help support the survival of this essential place of knowledge and wisdom.

Check out this video
it is a good video put together by the students.
Also check out this website http://fnuniv.wordpress.com/
to see what is going on with the fight for FNUC
and to down load a letter to send to your Member of Parliament.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Path of the Elders

The Vice-President (Research and International),
Dr. Kimberly Matheson of Carleton University invites you to the public launch of the innovative educational website

On the Path of the Elders

PathOfTheElders.com is a ground-breaking resource exploring the culture and history of the Mushkegowuk Cree and Anishinaabe Ojibway of Northwestern and Northeastern Ontario. This rich content site features a unique, educational role playing game.

Wednesday, March 24th, 2010, 3:00-5:00 p.m.

Carleton University Art Gallery,
St. Patrick's Building, at the North End of the Campus

Paid parking is available in the "Pay and Display" visitors' section of Lot 6. Wheelchair accessible.

This project was made possible with the support of the Department of Canadian Heritage through the Canadian Culture Online Strategy.

Created in partnership with the Mushkegowuk Cree, Carleton University, BlackCherry Digital Media, Wendy Campbell - Learning Methods Group, the Archives of St. Paul University, and Pinegrove Production.


(English follows)


L'École d'études politiques et la Coalition contre l'exploitation de l'or
à El Salvador d'Ottawa - Gatineau

Conférence et discussion
Accords de libre-échange: le nouvel « El Dorado » des compagnies minières

Le mardi 23 mars 2010, 19h à 22h
Pavillon Tabaret, pièce 083 (Salle du Sénat)
550, rue Cumberland, Ottawa

Conférenciers invités:

Bernardo Belloso, représentant du gagnant du prix des droits de la
personne Letelier-Moffitt, 2009: La Mesa Nacional Frente a la Mineria en
El Salvador;

Abraham Rivera, Centre de recherches économiques et politiques d'action
communautaire - CIEPAC (Chiapas, Mexico);

L'Honorable Paul Dewar, député néodémocrate d'Ottawa-Centre;

Jamie Kneen, Coordinateur de la communication, MiningWatch

Cette conférence aura lieu en espagnol, avec traduction en anglais et en
français. Un court documentaire sera présenté afin de faciliter la

New Gold, Blackfire et Pacific Rim, sociétés minières canadiennes qui ont
des opérations au Mexique et à El Salvador, ont lancé une procédure
d'arbitrage contre les gouvernements mexicain et salvadorien exigeant un
paiement total d'un milliard de dollars comme compensation pour « défaut
de remplir ses obligations légales » en vertu des accords de libre-échange
(ALÉNA et ALÉAC-RD). L'intensification de la résistance communautaire
organisée contre l'exploitation minière a coïncidé avec la mort
d'activistes bien connus au Mexique et à El Salvador. Quels sont les
derniers développements de la lutte en cours entre les communautés et les
compagnies minières canadiennes? Ce panel vous invite à explorer et
débattre de ces importantes questions.

Cette conférence est gratuite et ouverte au public. Pour de plus amples
renseignements, veuillez contacter massicot@uottawa.ca Stationnement
disponible sur le campus.



The School of Political Studies and the Coalition Against Gold Mining in
El Salvador of Ottawa - Gatineau

Conference and Discussion
Free Trade Agreements: The New "El Dorado" of Canadian Mining Companies?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Tabaret Hall, room 083 (Senate)
75 Laurier Avenue, Ottawa

Invited speakers:

Bernardo Belloso, Rep of the 2009 Letelier-Moffitt Human Rights Award
Winner: La Mesa Nacional Frente a la Mineria en El Salvador;

Abraham Rivera, Centro de investigaciones económicas y políticas de acción
comunitaria - CIEPAC (Chiapas, Mexico);

Paul Dewar, New Democrat MP for Ottawa Centre;

Jamie Kneen, Communications Coordinator, MiningWatch

This public lecture will be presented in Spanish. Translation to English
and French will be available. A short documentary will be presented to
facilitate the discussion.

New Gold, Blackfire and Pacific Rim, Canadian mining corporations with
operations in Mexico and El Salvador, launched arbitration procedures
against the governments of Mexico and El Salvador demanding a combined
payment of one billion dollars in compensation for "failure to fulfill
legal obligations" under binding Free Trade Agreements: NAFTA and
CAFTA-DR. The intensification of organized community resistance to mining
has coincided with the death of leading activists in Mexico and El
Salvador. What are the latest developments of the ongoing struggle
between communities and Canadian mining companies? This panel invites you
to debate these and other important related topics.

This public lecture is free and open to the public. It is not required to
register. For further information, please contact massicot@uottawa.ca
Parking is available on campus.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tlingit artist Brad Henry invited to our Introductory class on Tuesday March 9

B R A D H E N R Y was born in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, in the 1960's. At six years of age, his family moved to Vancouver, British Columbia. Brad’s father, an Inland Tlingit of the Teslin band, passed away when Brad was only fifteen. Brad’s mother, a gentle, but strong-minded Vuntut Gwitchin woman from Old Crow, Yukon Territory continued to raise her seven children, two girls and five boys, with support from Brad’s Granny and his aunts and uncles.

As a youngster, Brad watched in awe as his uncles and aunts created both art and music. Brad’s initial career path however, was in the field of firefighting and he only started to professionally dabble in the field of music and fine art later in life. Brad’s uncle Charles Tizya played a big part in urging Brad to paint, through explaining it as his Vuntut Gwitchin and Tlingit birthright.

This influence from his family to this day still plays a huge role in inspiring the creation of his art. Many of the messages instilled in his paintings quite often speak of the wisdom passed on to him by his relatives and spiritual elders.

Brad has proved to be very talented in terms of both art and music. In 2001, his composition "Una Rosa Para Ti," from his album Outta The Blue was featured in the Adam Beach movie "The Art Of Woo." Other songs from the same album, such as “Anishinabek Kwe,” can also be heard playing on Aboriginal Voices radio. Likewise, his musical persona has been featured on CTV’s “First Story,” “Aboriginal Arts and Entertainment,” “Buffalo Tracks,” and APTN’s “The Mix.”

Brad continues to perform to this day and is working towards putting together a new album. Brad views both music and art, as a means of communicating messages that have cultural, social and spiritual relevance

Brad’s current body of artwork is done in collaboration with an artist by the name of Christina Moore, who comes from Huron-Wendat descent. They work together, learn from each other, and share a strong sense of importance of keeping traditional culture and knowledge alive. Together, they to try to find a middle ground between traditional ways and the modern world. Their work has been featured at venues such as the Vancouver Aboriginal Art and Culture Festival, and will be featured on this season of APTN’s Cooking with the Wolfman.

In 2007, their collaborative artwork earned the pair an honorable mention at Streetsville Gallery’s “Treasures of Aboriginal Artists” show. Their collaborations, which combine Northwest Coast iconography with the expressionistic beauty of scrapings and feathers, are described as melding together two distinct styles with harmonious rhythm. They believe that "To live in harmony, we all must work together to gain an understanding and appreciation of the valuable contributions of each culture. One source for such understanding is the arts.”

Monday, March 8, 2010

Programme de formation en pratiques muséales destiné aux Autochtones / Aboriginal Training Program in Museum Practices

La Société du Musée canadien des civilisations (SMCC), qui englobe le Musée canadien des civilisations (MCC) et le Musée canadien de la guerre (MCG), offre un Programme de formation en pratique muséales destiné aux Autochtones qui s’intéresseraient aux domaines liés à la muséologie. Le Programme propose aux stagiaires des Premières nations, aux Métis et aux Inuits une formation professionnelle et technique. Il est offert, chaque année, de septembre à avril, et prévoit deux semaines de relâche durant la période des fêtes.

Nous vous saurions reconnaissant de bien vouloir afficher l’information ci-jointe dans votre établissement afin de nous aider à solliciter des candidats pour ce programme motivant. Veuillez prendre note que la date limite pour la réception des demandes est fixée au 15 mars 2010. Vous pouvez obtenir de plus amples renseignements sur le Programme de formation en pratique muséales destiné aux Autochtones en consultant notre site Web à l’adresse suivante : www.civilisations.ca/formationautochtones.

Pour toute information supplémentaire ou pour discuter des détails au sujet de notre programme, n’hésitez pas à communiquer avec Madame Jameson C. Brant au 819-776-8270.


The Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation (CMCC), which is comprised of the Canadian Museum of Civilization (CMC) and the Canadian War Museum (CWM), is offering an Aboriginal Training Program in Museum Practices to those with an interest in pursing a career in the field of museology. The goal of the Program is to offer First Nations, Métis, and Inuit participants professional and technical training. The Program operates from September to April of each year, with a two week break for the holiday season.

We would be delighted if you would post the attached information at your institution in order to help us solicit candidates for this exciting program. Please note that the closing date for the receipt of applications is March 15, 2010. Additional information regarding the Aboriginal Training Program in Museum Practices can be obtained by accessing our Web site at: www.civilization.ca/aboriginaltraining.

Should you wish to obtain more information, or discuss any of the details regarding our program, please feel free to contact Ms. Jameson C. Brant at 819-776-8270.