Odawa Friendship Centre, 12 Stirling Ave. Ottawa,
Algonquin Territory
Everyone is Welcome to the fest!
Opening ceremony by Elder Annie St. Georges
Michèle Audette and Viviane Michel, Marche Amun
Lynn Gehl, Giizhigaate-Mnidoo-Kwe, Makinag Ndoo-dem
Lynn Gehl is an Algonquin from the Ottawa River Valley, has
constitutional challenges regarding the Indian Act. Ph.D.
For more details, please see below or check IPSMO web site
Please Forward widely!
Celebrate the Arrival of MARCHE AMUN / AMUN MARCH
On June 1, 2010, after nearly one month of walking, the
AMUN March will arrive on Parliament Hill to draw attention
to ongoing legislative sexism in the Indian Act, and to call
people of conscience to join the struggle against it.
AMUN March kicked off its 500 km march from Wendake, QC to
the Parliament Hill in Ottawa on May 4, 2010 to pursue the fight
that was undertaken by Sharon McIvor
(see Sharon McIvor’s fight for gender equality in the IndianAct),
and to request that the Canadian Government resolve
the injustices created by the Indian Act. The Government of Canada
introduced Bill C-3 to bolster gender equity in the registration
provisions of the Act.
However, this Bill is just another continued failed
remedial legislation, it partially corrects discriminatory aspects
of the Indian Act registration rules (See Sexist Bill C-3 is racist and
fatally flawed).
Furthermore, the government of Canada failed to consult
with Indigenous Peoples and accommodate their concerns prior
to introducing Bill C-3, which violates Section 35 of Canadian
Constitution Act of 1982. Not only Bill C-3 does not end
discrimination against Indigenous women and their descendants,
it also does not address the underlying issue of the Indian Act
– categorization of Indian status. If Canada is SINCERE in its
promise of reconciliation with Indigenous peoples following
the Apology of June 11 2008 and in the recent Throne speech,
Canada must recognize and respect the INHERENT RIGHT of
Indigenous peoples to govern themselves, to define who can be a
citizen of their nation. Indigenous Peoples Solidarity Movement
Ottawa is one of many groups, including the Native Women’s
Association of Canada, and Québec Native Women Inc.,
calling allies to come out and greet the march
as it arrives on Parliament Hill.
Community Feast to Welcome AMUN March
6 PM Monday, May 31, 2010
Odawa Friendship Centre, 12 Stirling Ave. Ottawa,
Algonquin Territory
Everyone is Welcome to the fest!
Rally & Press Conference
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
11:45 AM March from Victoria Island to
Parliament Hill.
(end of Middle Street, off ChaudieÌre Bridge, follow signs
for “Aboriginal Experiences”)
12 PM Welcome
Jeanette Corbiere Lavell, President of the Native Women’s
Association of Canada
Sharon McIvor, McIvor v. Canada
Dawn Harvard, President of the Ontario Native Women’s
Kathleen McHugh, Women’s Council Chair of the Assembly of
First Nations
MicheÌle Audette and Viviane Michel, Marche Amun
12:45 Closing and Send-off
1-1:30 PM Press Conference (Charles Lynch
Room, 130S, Centre Block) ALL
Further Information
AMUN March:
Quebec Native Women (QNW) Position Paper on Bill C-3
Sharon McIvor issues letter urging all MPs to defeat BillC-3
Address of NWAC President Jeannette Corbiere Lavell to the
Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs regarding Bill C-3:
Gender Equity in Indian Registration Act
For more details:
In Solidarity,
Unceded Algonquin Territory
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