"L'éveil au Cercle" - "Awakening to the Circle"

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Subject: NAC's all-Aboriginal King Lear!

Kwey, Aanii, Tansi, Sago, Bonjour, and Hello!

I want to extend an invitation to a one-of-a-kind opportunity to participate in
the National Arts Centre's (NAC) spring production of an all-Aboriginal King
Lear! (It stars August Schellenberg & Tantoo Cardinal, with Kevin
Loring, Lorne Cardinal & many others!)

NAC's Artistic Director, Peter Hinton, is looking to cast
50 extras from the local, Ottawa, urban Aboriginal population for the show and
will offer a 3 part theatre training workshop starting at the
beginning of January 2012. Workshops will take place at the NAC on
Sunday afternoons (for the first part), then move to most-likely
Tuesday evenings (part 2). The third component will of course be the
actual rehearsal period & production run, taking us to the end of May.

This is a wonderful opportunity for local First Nation, Metis & Inuit
theatre enthusiasts - young & old- to work with a wide variety of top
 professionals, and shine - in 17th century period costume- on the NAC stage!

If you are interested, please let me know.There will also be an
announcement for an invitation to the Info/Intro Session - for which
we have yet to set the date (beginning of Jan) - for all details &
dates, etc. to be further discussed.

Please share with anyone from our local Aboriginal community who would
like to learn more about theatre, about Shakespeare, about the NAC,
and "hang" with some professional artists!

No experience necessary!

Watch for an upcoming announcement re the "50 Followers Project" in
the Ottawa Citizen next week!

in unity & spirit,

Suzanne Keeptwo

Monday, September 12, 2011

Book Signing with Author Kim Anderson @ Wabano

Wabano’s Culture Night in Cooperation with Parenting Bundle program is proud to present Author Kim Anderson

September 14th 2011

Visit link for details:


On June 21, 2011, Walk4Justice began their long walk from Vancouver, Coast Salish Territory to Ottawa, Algonquin Territory to raise awareness about the plight of the far too many (over 3000) missing and murdered Indigenous women across Turtle Island (Canada). On Monday, September 19, they will be ending their walk at Parliament Hill where they will continue demanding justice for these women and their families.

March & Rally

Monday, September 19

9am at Minwaashin Lodge (424 Catherine St), 10am Parliament Hill

Please visit the links for more information:

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Algonquin Sharing Day!

Algonquin Sharing Day with Bob Lovelace, Lynn Gehl, Paula Sherman, and Bonita Lawrence - Saturday, June 25, 2011
Oshkabaywis Lynn Gehl



Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Digging starts on new Wabano Aboriginal centre
Posted: May 9, 2011 3:54 PM ET
Last Updated: May 9, 2011 3:54 PM ET
The new $14.2-million Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health expansion, at the corner of Montreal Road and Bradley Avenue in Vanier, is expected to be completed by fall 2012. Wabano.com

Construction crews broke ground Monday to officially begin building Ottawa's biggest Aboriginal centre, the multimillion-dollar Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health.
The $14-million project was envisionsed as a hub for members of the surrounding native community to connect with their roots.

Brad Pickody, who teaches drumming at the centre, said the 25,000-square-foot centre was important to him and his family as a cultural resource and a place away from potentially bad influences.

"Living in the city is a totally different experience from living in the bush," said Pickody, who moved his family from the Chapleau reserve, west of Timmins, Ont., three years ago.
'Sense of belonging'
"In the bush, you have a lot more hunting and trapping, canoeing, cutting wood. You really have to look hard to find that here in the city."

Allison Fisher, the executive director of the Wabano centre, said that 70 per cent of aboriginals in Canada are leaving reserves and moving to cities. That's why the new revamped facility means so much."It's to create a sense of belonging with our kids," she said. As the centre continues to fundraise to make up the remaining $7 million for the project, Fisher hopes the Ontario government will help out with funds.
Centre serves 10,000 people
Pickody's son, Sage, was especially excited about the new structure.
"I think it's going to be wicked. It's really important because it keeps part of our culture here," he said. The project also involves the refurbishment of the existing building, which currently serves about 10,000 people a year, offering social services, cultural programs, health care and mental-health counselling.

The project, designed by acclaimed architect Douglas Cardinal, the designer of the Canadian Museum of Civilization, is expected to be completed before fall 2012.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Research project at Carleton

 Title of Research Project:            Community is Where I Find It:
Place-Making, Culture, and Identity Among Urban Aboriginal People in Ottawa,

  • I am looking for research participants:
    • People who self-identify as Aboriginal (First Nations
    • Status or non-Status Indian, Metis, Inuit, or mixed Aboriginal heritage)
    • Aboriginal adults 18+, male and female
    • Must reside in Ottawa

Research participants will participate in a 60 to 120 minute video or audio
recorded interview.  Video recorded interviews will not provide anonymity
but audio recorded interviews will be anonymous. The topic of the interview
will be on your thoughts and experiences of urban Aboriginal culture and
identity as a resident of Ottawa, Ontario. One of the main purposes of the
research is to produce a short film on urban Aboriginal culture and identity
in Ottawa, Ontario and to show the vibrancy of urban Aboriginal life.

A gift/honourarium will be provided to participants with a value of
approximately $10. As transportation and child care can be barriers to
participation I can provide bus tickets as well as offer to pay for
childcare costs at the standard hourly rate for parents with children who do
not have access to childcare.

If you are interested in participating or would like any more information
please feel free to contact me, Cheryl Matthew at the Department of
Sociology and Anthropology, Carleton University, B753 Loeb Building, Phone:
(613) 899-3530 or by email cmatthew@connect.carleton.ca

This project has been reviewed and cleared by the Carleton University
Research Ethics Board 613-520-2517 or ethics@carleton.ca.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Le Forum d’études et de recherches autochtones (FERA)
Forum for Aboriginal Studies and Research (FASR)
Les tribunaux confrontés aux revendications d’identité métisse : le cas du Nouveau-Brunswick
Natacha Gagné (sociologie et anthropologie)
Sébastien Grammond (droit) et Isabelle Lantagne (droit)
Mercredi 30 mars 2011, 11h30 DMS 3105
Évènement en français | Event in French
This public lecture is free and open to the public | Conférence gratuite ouverte au public
Pour plus d’informations / for more information: fera@uottawa.ca

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Canadian Human Rights Tribunal Dismisses the Complaint on legal technicality - Caring Society appealing

News Release:

First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada to appeal Canadian Human Rights Tribunal Decision to dismiss discrimination claim for First Nations Children on a legal loophole.

OTTAWA, March 14 /CNW/ - The First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada is deeply concerned with the ruling today from Shirish Chotalia, Chair of the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, to dismiss the complaint filed by the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada and the Assembly of First Nations in 2007 alleging that the Federal Government is racially discriminating against First Nations children by providing less child welfare benefit on reserve. Chair Chotalia dismissed the case on a preliminary motion brought by the Federal Government even though the Federal Government had tried, and failed, to get the case dismissed on similar grounds in Federal Court on two previous occasions. Chair Shirish Chotalia did not address the overwhelming evidence of the inequity and harm experienced by First Nations children on reserves even though she was in possession of numerous reports confirming the problems such as the Auditor General of Canada (2008), the Standing Committee on Public Accounts (2009) and internal documents from the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. Instead, Chair Shirish Chotalia dismissed the case on a legal technicality suggesting that the Federal Government can provide a different, and inequitable, level of service to First Nations children so long as the Provinces/Territories provide the service to all other children. In issuing this ruling, Chair Shirish Chotalia, in effect legalized racial discrimination against vulnerable children on reserve by the Federal Government.

The First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada will immediately appeal Chair Shirish Chotalia's decision to Federal Court. This case is being followed by over 7200 Canadians and organizations making it the most formally watched court case in Canadian history. Cindy Blackstock, Executive Director of the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada, says that "the Government of Canada should not be immune from human rights laws and obligations to First Nations children because of a legal technicality and we will take all necessary measures to ensure that this case is decided in a public forum on the full set of facts - the children deserve nothing less." The appeal will be filed in Federal Court in the next 30 days.

Read the ruling: http://bit.ly/i531IB


IPSMO's note: If you have not yet signed up as witnesses on the "I Am a Witness" website http://www.fncfcs.com/fnwitness, please do and join over 7200 Canadians and organizations to follow the most formally watched court case in Canadian history.

Thank you.
In Solidarity,
IPSMO on unceded Algonquin Territory

Passing of Aboriginal Historian Olive Patricia Dickason

The Aboriginal community grieves the departure from this world of a great Métis women, the historian Dr. Olive Patricia Dickason. It is Difficult to even begin to describe the importance of the intellectual legacy of such a thinker. This loss is heavy since Olive Dickason, through her work and through the example of courageous living, has marked all members of our Canadian society.

Georges Sioui, Coordinator Program of Aboriginal Studies

La communauté autochtone pleure le départ de ce monde d'une grande femmes métisses, l'historien Dr. Olive Patricia Dickason. Il est difficile même de commencer à décrire l'importance du legs intellectuel de cette grande penseure. Cette perte est très lourde puisque Olive Dickason, par son oeuvre et per l'exemple d'une vie courageuse, a marqué chaque membre de notre société canadienne.

Georges Sioui, coordonnateur du programme d'études autochtones

Link: Winnipeg Free Press -
Author who detailed the aboriginal contribution to Canada's economy dies at 91

Link: Globe and Mail Obituary - DR. OLIVE PATRICIA DICKASON C.M., PH.D., D.LITT.

Link: Guest Book for Olive Patricia Dickason

SHOE STATEMENT - Vigil for our Missing and Murdered Women

Help raise awareness about the violence and injustice suffered by Aboriginal women in Canada!

When: Friday, March 18th, 2pm
Where: Parliament Hill

The Aboriginal Law Students Association and the Law Union of Ontario from the University of Ottawa will be joining McGill University student groups to take part in a vigil at Parliament Hill taking place Friday, March 18th at 2pm.

The vigil will be the culmination of a two-week campaign in which McGill students, faculty and friends will strive to collect over 500 pairs of women’s shoes to be displayed on the steps of Parliament as a symbolic representation of the missing and murdered women. The shoes will be donated to women’s shelters in Ottawa and Montreal following the event.

Speakers at the vigil will include Kristen Gilchrist, Bridget Tolley and Lindsay Mossman. Those with personal stories or insight about the Stolen Sisters are welcome to come forward and share as well.


For more information, please contact Sarah Sherhols at sherhols@gmail.com OR Michelle Theriault at michelle.s.theriault@gmail.com

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Help for the Kateri Native Ministry of Ottawa

Dear Friends,

I write to you today asking for your support in helping First Nations
, Metis and Inuit people to reconnect with the land. Naategama or Peaceful Waters is a 230 acre property owned by the Archdiocese of Ottawa and entrusted exclusively for the use of Kateri Native Ministry. Located on the Ottawa River near the Quyon Ferry Landing. Under the direction of Kateri Native Ministry, Naategama has been used for Aboriginal youth and Elder retreats, community workshops, and family reunions of Indian Residential School Survivors.
Kateri Native Ministry of Ottawa is moving forward with plans to improve the facilities by installing a floating dock to allow better access to the water for canoeing and swimming. We would like to upgrade washroom amenities, construct a sweat lodge and continue with plans for a more permanent healing and training centre.
Kateri receives no government funding and relies entirely upon the generosity of benefactors like you. A traditional bison feast will be held March 25, 2011 in Mac Hall, Bronson Centre, 211 Bronson Ave., Ottawa, ON, in support of improvement on the land. Tickets are $50 each or a table of eight tickets can be purchased for $425.
Our guest speaker, Viola Thomas (Sto:lo First Nation) of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, will speak on the importance of the land in native cultures.
Tickets can be purchased:
1. at www.katerinativeministry.ca using the ‘Buy Now’ button or
2. by cheque made payable to “ Kateri Native Ministry of Ottawa” and mailed to: 310-211 Bronson Ave., Ottawa ON K1R 6H5.
Tickets will be delivered to the address provided.
Kateri Native Ministry of Ottawa is a Catholic lay ministry registered as a non-profit charitable organization. It is committed to the healing and reconciliation of Aboriginal people under the guidance of the Archdiocese of Ottawa. Your support of Kateri Native Ministry of Ottawa is dearly appreciated. Please do not hesitate to call me with any questions you may have.
Thank you,
John Corston
Executive Director
Kateri Native Ministry of Ottawa
(613) 565-4180

Monday, March 7, 2011

Just in time for International Women's Day -- March 8th -- of which the theme in Canada is GIRLS RIGHTS MATTER ...

Calling Young Aboriginal Women across Canada ages 16 to 29!


Do you want to be part of one of the biggest gatherings of women from around the world happening in Ottawa-Gatineau from 3-7 July?

The Aboriginal Women's Leadership Circle for Women’s Worlds 2011 invites you to submit your written, artistic, or otherwise creative submissions to attend Women’s Worlds 2011. We greatly value the participation of young Aboriginal women and would like to hear directly from YOU about why you want to be at this exciting global event by answering "What does Aboriginal women’s leadership mean to you?"

3 grand winners will be awarded an honorarium of $1,500 (one young First Nation woman, one young Inuit woman, one young Métis woman) plus the opportunity to present their essay at the Women’s Worlds 2011 congress

7 winners will be awarded an honorarium of $1000

Young Aboriginal Women (trans, Two-Spirit, gender non-conforming inclusive), First Nations, Métis, Inuit, status, and non-status identified from 16-29
Deadline: 25 March 2011
Notification of acceptance: 4 April 2011


Contact: youngaboriginal@womensworlds.ca


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

3e Colloque étudiant du FERA

Résistance et reconstruction : les peuples autochtones au passé et au présent

Université d’Ottawa, 9 mars 2011

Desmarais 3105, 9h-16h

Horaire et information:



3rd FASR Graduate Conference

Resistance and Rebuilding: Exploring Indigenous Challenges Past and Present

University of Ottawa, march 9, 2011,

Desmarais 3105, 9am-4pm

Schedule and information:
