Building Relationships” - St. Joseph healing and Reconciliation Circle - October 23rd, 2010
"Building Relationships" - St. Joseph healing and Reconciliation Circle - October 23rd, 2010
On October 23rd the St. Joseph Healing and Reconciliation Circle has planned a workshop entitled "Building Relationships".
We are aware that you and your community are very much interested in developing healthy relationships among aboriginal and non- aboriginal peoples within the community of Ottawa; and we invite your participation in this event.
Ed Bianchi from Kairos will start activities by directing the Blanket Exercise, designed to help participants to appreciate the experiences of First Nations peoples after the arrival of Europeans to Native lands.
In the afternoon, Elder Dan Ross, Algonquin of Pikwakanagan First Nation Golden Lake, Ontario, will lead an activity designed to build an understanding of aboriginal spirituality through the use of the Medicine Wheel.
There is no cost for participation.(A ‘free will’ offering to cover expenses and support our presenters, is optional) Attendees are asked to bring some food to share at lunch.
Pre registration is encouraged by calling the reception desk at St. Joseph 613-233-4095
For more information please call Dorothy Collins or John Weir at 613-749-8619.
Thank you
Dorothy Collins
Healing and Reconciliation Circle - St. Joseph Parish

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