"L'éveil au Cercle" - "Awakening to the Circle"

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Research project at Carleton

 Title of Research Project:            Community is Where I Find It:
Place-Making, Culture, and Identity Among Urban Aboriginal People in Ottawa,

  • I am looking for research participants:
    • People who self-identify as Aboriginal (First Nations
    • Status or non-Status Indian, Metis, Inuit, or mixed Aboriginal heritage)
    • Aboriginal adults 18+, male and female
    • Must reside in Ottawa

Research participants will participate in a 60 to 120 minute video or audio
recorded interview.  Video recorded interviews will not provide anonymity
but audio recorded interviews will be anonymous. The topic of the interview
will be on your thoughts and experiences of urban Aboriginal culture and
identity as a resident of Ottawa, Ontario. One of the main purposes of the
research is to produce a short film on urban Aboriginal culture and identity
in Ottawa, Ontario and to show the vibrancy of urban Aboriginal life.

A gift/honourarium will be provided to participants with a value of
approximately $10. As transportation and child care can be barriers to
participation I can provide bus tickets as well as offer to pay for
childcare costs at the standard hourly rate for parents with children who do
not have access to childcare.

If you are interested in participating or would like any more information
please feel free to contact me, Cheryl Matthew at the Department of
Sociology and Anthropology, Carleton University, B753 Loeb Building, Phone:
(613) 899-3530 or by email cmatthew@connect.carleton.ca

This project has been reviewed and cleared by the Carleton University
Research Ethics Board 613-520-2517 or ethics@carleton.ca.